A question of give and take
Transition Experts contributed an article to the first edition of Outsource Magazine in 2017. This article emphasises the importance of a careful and well-executed transition for successful outsourcing.
Here is the PDF link to the article, written in the Dutch language: “Een kwestie van geven en nemen”.
Recent news
Digital transformation and process optimalization - two sides of the same coin
Digital transformation has become an essential theme for many companies and organizations in recent years. More and more business processes are digitizing in order to achieve efficiency and respond to changing market conditions. And although digitization can bring many benefits, it’s important not to forget that simplifying and optimizing your business processes is just as important. Read more.
We are moving!
After 10 wonderful years in our office on Atoomweg, we are moving to a new office. But we're not going far. Our new office is also on Atoomweg, about 300 metres eastwards. Read more.